Monthly Archive: May 2009

Prop 8 is Settled, Likely For Decades 6

Prop 8 is Settled, Likely For Decades

California’s Supreme Court today ruled on several lawsuits filed after Californians voted for a constitutional amendment to define marriage as a man and a woman. Unsurprisingly, they ruled that the initiative constituted an addition rather than a change to the...

Gardening 2009: The Planting 0

Gardening 2009: The Planting

I’ve spent all week doing really extensive work on our little garden. Last year, we grew about 9 quarts of strawberries and more tomatoes than we knew what to do with. (Who am I kidding? I ate ’em with a...

Jason Chaffetz, False Outrage, and Straw Men 6

Jason Chaffetz, False Outrage, and Straw Men

There’s a lot of outrage being circulated in the Bloghive about Jason Chaffetz and his desire to overrule Washington, DC in their decision to recognize same-sex marriages from other states. A lot of this outrage is centered on calling him...