Monthly Archive: July 2009

Misdirected Outrage on Main Street Plaza 7

Misdirected Outrage on Main Street Plaza

It’s very easy to get outraged at improper uses of power and force and rightly so. Such abuses are antithetical to American ideals be they used by public or private security forces. Sometimes, however, the accusers decide to inflate their...

The Banana Puke Incident 2

The Banana Puke Incident

Anyone who knows Shauna knows that she hates bananas. I don’t mean in the “yuck” sense, but rather in the “fiery hot passion of a thousand suns” sense. We’re not allowed to have bananas in the house because the smell...

Not All That Glitters is Golden 2

Not All That Glitters is Golden

Shauna and I are spending the next two weeks in sunny California not an hour’s drive from ground zero of what will likely be the biggest financial mess in any state’s history. Plenty of talking heads are pontificating about exactly...