Monthly Archive: April 2008

As Overheard Tonight On the Way to the Hospital 5

As Overheard Tonight On the Way to the Hospital

Me: "I was really looking forward to eating dinner tonight" Shauna: "If it makes you feel better, I haven't eaten either." Me: "Why would that make me feel better? 'Oh boy, you're hungry too'?" Stupid abdominal pains. More to follow...

My New Toy 6

My New Toy

I've been talking about getting one of these nigh on forever and on Saturday, I finally took the plunge. Say "hello Moto": Yes, it's really as cool as it looks. Camera, Bluetooth, GPS, full Internet access… it has the works...

Selling Out 3

Selling Out

You may have noticed a few extra boxes over on the right for Sponsored Links and an offer to buy advertising. It's true: a year after we thought about it, we're sellouts. Don't worry: I don't feel any particular obligation...

Texas: Kicking Butt, Taking Names and Violating Rights 6

Texas: Kicking Butt, Taking Names and Violating Rights

Only someone living under a rock wouldn’t know about the grave injustices being done to the FLDS in Texas right now. Allow me to summarize for those of you not following the story. A woman claiming to be a 16-year-old...

Cronyism, Insidership and Corruption: Why I'm Not a Part of Utah's Republican Party 4

Cronyism, Insidership and Corruption: Why I'm Not a Part of Utah's Republican Party

Something is rotten in the state of Utah. It seems that we can't go a week without some new controversy embroiling the Utah Republican Party. At the heart of it all is a political machine that would make Boss Tweed...

Three years and true measures of love and devotion 12

Three years and true measures of love and devotion

As Jesse mentioned previously, we just celebrated our third wedding anniversary. Three years ago, Jesse and I came to the mutual conclusion that what really matters is the marriage and not the wedding so we invited our parents (Tuesday) to...

Even a Non-Drinker and Non-Gambler Can Enjoy Las Vegas 2

Even a Non-Drinker and Non-Gambler Can Enjoy Las Vegas

Shauna and I spent the weekend in Las Vegas to celebrate our third anniversary (go us!) and had a blast. We stayed at the Venetian (A++ would stay again), ate at some awesome restaurants and saw these guys: Holy. Crap....

This is the Way We (Rick)Roll 4

This is the Way We (Rick)Roll

As further proof in the power of the Interweb, online pranksters managed to Rickroll the New York Mets. Don't know what a Rickroll is? The Wiki can tell you more. Or you can go to Youtube and see a Rickroll...

Upgrading to WordPress 2.5 and Switching E-mail Services 7

Upgrading to WordPress 2.5 and Switching E-mail Services

I'm ashamed to admit that our website is powered by really ancient software. WordPress 2.1.3 was released way back when we did our server move about a year ago and it has kept our site chugging along ever since. Recently,...