Category: Twilight Zone

This is, by far, the strangest "eco-friendly" product I've ever heard of. 2

This is, by far, the strangest "eco-friendly" product I've ever heard of.

Thanks, Google, for showing this in my Gmail ads. I give you Mr. Ellie Pooh, paper made from elephant dung.

Christmas: It brings out the Tourette’s in everyone, I suppose. 4

Christmas: It brings out the Tourette’s in everyone, I suppose.

Yesterday Jesse and I decided to brave the stores to get gifts for those last few people on our list. We were out and about for 3½ long and terrible hours, getting almost nothing accomplished, before our day of fun...

I guess the "chicken" thing is a myth. 4

I guess the "chicken" thing is a myth.

Scientists in Japan created a robot that can smell and taste foods. One of the reporters in the room thought it'd be funny to stick his hand in front of it and see what happened. The result? The robot said...

Who Won the Race for White City Community Council? 0

Who Won the Race for White City Community Council?

As part of the voting process on Tuesday, residents of White City also got to vote for some of the seats on the White City Community Council. Being that I'm in District 3, I was only able to vote on...

The Strange News: Squirrels on Crack 2

The Strange News: Squirrels on Crack

This is the kind of stuff you just can't make up. Squirrels in England have been digging up bags of crack hidden in gardens and getting addicted to the stuff. They then exhibit aggressive behavior as they get addicted and...

Kindly let us know that you're not incarcerated. 10

Kindly let us know that you're not incarcerated.

So tonight I got a really weird message on my cell phone. It was an automated message and since it got my voicemail it began its message the moment it thought I picked up the phone. So I missed the...