Author: Jesse

On Excommunication 6

On Excommunication

I’ve already pretty clearly drawn my line in the sand on the Ordain Women movement, so I can’t express any amount of surprise at the news that the leader of the movement may be facing an excommunication hearing. I think...

Building a Better Social Network 3

Building a Better Social Network

One of the biggest limitations of using a blog to own your own content is that you more-or-less give up controlling access to your content. Everything is out in the open by default. The workarounds are to either secure individual...

Destination 210: Focusing on health, not weight 0

Destination 210: Focusing on health, not weight

I’ve been dropping weight at a glacial pace for the last several weeks. It’s still coming off, but maybe at a rate of a pound a week, tops. I’m still losing fat mass, but that’s also going pretty slowly. I’ve...

Ordain Women and doing it wrong 3

Ordain Women and doing it wrong

Like 87% of LDS Church membership, I do not support Ordain Women. I believe both their goals and their methods to be deeply flawed and out of touch with how the Church operates. I want to lay out some reasons...


In which I hate on the How I Met Your Mother finale

Warning: here be spoilers. Run the other way if you want to ruin, er, watch the show for yourself. I’ve seen more than one source describe How I Met Your Mother as “Friends for Millennials”. After the train wreck of...

A one car family, revisited 1

A one car family, revisited

Some time ago, we thought about maybe going down to one car. We decided against it since I was working in an office and Shauna would still need to go places with the kids. You can get many tips about...

Springtime means park time 2

Springtime means park time

Springtime means going to the park. Yesterday, it was nice enough to take the boys to the park (and out of mom’s hair) for a couple of hours. They were pretty excited to be running around outdoors.     Liam...

The secret to perfect bacon from the oven 0

The secret to perfect bacon from the oven

As much as I love bacon, I hate pan-frying it. Yes, it’s always more delicious that way, but it takes a lot of time, creates a lot of mess, and usually burns me with splattering grease. I usually make it...

Destination 210: The Inevitable Plateau 0

Destination 210: The Inevitable Plateau

I knew the day would come, but I didn’t think it would be so soon. I’ve hit kind of a plateau around 220 in the past week and it seems like the loss from diet alone is starting to slow...