Monthly Archive: September 2006

Girl, you won't be a woman… soon. 7

Girl, you won't be a woman… soon.

I'm taking Chloe this morning to get spayed. I feel like it's really the best thing for her, but why do I feel so terrible??? Is she going to hate me? It looks like she knows something is happening today....

UTOPIA: Righting the Wrongs of the Telcos 1

UTOPIA: Righting the Wrongs of the Telcos

If you're an American, your telephone and cable companies stole about $2,000 dollars from you in the last decade. They even did it without anyone so much as filing a lawsuit or getting the FCC or any state's PUC to...

Can anyone take Steven Jones seriously? 3

Can anyone take Steven Jones seriously?

If it talks like a duck, looks like a duck, and walks like a duck… it might be a duck. Similarly, if it talks like a crazy person, writes like a crazy person, and gets debunked like a crazy person,...

No More Mister Nice Guy, No More Mister Clean 3

No More Mister Nice Guy, No More Mister Clean

I'm on a tear now. The swamp cooler lost power again and we still haven't gotten Roofing Guy to come out the install the vents on the roof or haul away the leftover construction materials. I'm reaching the end of...

The new recipes never end! 9

The new recipes never end!

Tonight, we decided to do some more Asian cuisine. The central ingredient was asparagus being that we had some in the fridge that needed to be used. I've been wanting to try an asparagus stir-fry for a long time now,...

Pete Ashdown, you've earned my vote. 1

Pete Ashdown, you've earned my vote.

Being in the IT sector, Orrin Hatch is a name that comes up an awful lot. From his insistence on blowing up fire sharers' computers to attempting to throw first-time offenders in jail for five years for sharing a single...

Take me out to the ballgame… 6

Take me out to the ballgame…

Reflecting on the list of things we were planning on doing this weekend, I'd have to say we fell a bit short. We didn't go see Invincible. I didn't mow the yard or pull weeds. We didn't even get out...

MySpace: The Internet's Largest Cesspool 7

MySpace: The Internet's Largest Cesspool

The more I use MySpace, the more I end up hating it. I'm sure all of you are familiar with the world's largest social networking site. Most of you probably have a profile on there as well. (Someone is creating...

I fought the swamp cooler and I won. 2

I fought the swamp cooler and I won.

Our swamp cooler has been a consistent source of homeowner headaches. It started with it running out of water all the time, requiring me to jump up on the roof with a hose and fill it up several times a...

Absolutely Not!! (Or: The triumphant return of The Rock) 9

Absolutely Not!! (Or: The triumphant return of The Rock)

Some of you may remember how I totally wussed out the other day whilst attempting to cancel my milk delivery service from Winder Dairy . I just wanted you all to know that the situation has been rectified. The impossible-to-budge...