Monthly Archive: March 2007

My Own Private Idaho? 3

My Own Private Idaho?

On our way home from visiting Shauna's brother last night, the radio station we normally listen to was playing a lot of off-the-wall stuff as part of the night format. Something that really jumped out at me was the B-52's...

Verizon to Vonage: All You Phone Calls Are Belong To Us 10

Verizon to Vonage: All You Phone Calls Are Belong To Us

In a move designed to infuriate the technical community (yours truly included), the judge in the patent case between Verizon and Vonage has issued an order that Vonage is prohibited from completing calls from its service to a regular phone...

And yet, I can't look away. 2

And yet, I can't look away.

In the proud tradition of Badger Badger Badger and Peanut Butter Jelly Time, I give you: LeekSpin. (Hat tip: Ethan at SLC Spin.) Warning: this will be stuck in your head for weeks and yet you won't be able to...

Under the Tuscan Sun 12

Under the Tuscan Sun

That's right, suckas. We're going to Italy!! This November, Jesse and I are taking a trip to Florence and Venice. I can't think of anything cooler, really. 

Some Real Innovation in Education 10

Some Real Innovation in Education

A recently released report proposes some big changes to the way schools currently run their operations. It's got the usual stuff like increasing teacher salaries (which, adjusted for inflation, have stayed flat for over 30 years), expanding college programs that...

The freckle-footed bandit strikes again! 5

The freckle-footed bandit strikes again!

A few days ago I took my wedding ring off and set it on my nightstand because my fingers were a little bloaty. I kept forgetting to put it on and before I realized it, I had gone almost a...

Did you know that we're gardeners now? We garden? 10

Did you know that we're gardeners now? We garden?

Outside in the dirt in the ground? With the wind and the sky and everything? We garden! Isn't it beautiful? That's what 50 newly planted strawberry plants look like. You're all invited for strawberry shortcake this summer. The kit included...

It's about time the groundhog did his part. 5

It's about time the groundhog did his part.

Yesterday marked the true first sign of spring. No, I’m not talking about sunny skies and chirping birds. I’m talking about busting out the grill and doing some manly cooking over open flame. Yes, I broke out the BBQ for...

A Concert I Won't Be Going To 14

A Concert I Won't Be Going To

When Shauna first told me about a tour of Cyndi Lauper, Blondie and Erasure coming to USANA Amphitheater, I was pretty stoked to see it. We had seen Erasure in May of 2005 when we first moved to Utah but...

The Will of the People 1

The Will of the People

How many times do you hear someone in politics proclaim "the will of the people" as some all-empowering phrase in… whatever it is they happen to be doing? Far too often if you ask me. It's one of those phrases...